NoSQL NYC Meetup/Mini-Conference - Fall '09
Hosted By: Brendan W. McAdams & 10Gen
We are basically full at this point due to the seating capacity of our venue, and not taking any more RSVPs to ensure everyone who responded they were coming gets a seat!
Join us for a NoSQL mini-conference the evening of October 5.
We will have several presentations on NoSQL related technologies, discussion and lightning talks.
This event will run from 6pm - 10pm.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Adam Kocoloski from Cloudant will be presenting on CouchDB, with plans to include coverage of CouchDB's replication and conflict resolution model.
- Stuart Sierra will present on Clojure/Hadoop
- Gary Warden King will be presenting on the AllegroGraph RDFStore
- We will be holding a panel discussion between Eliot Horowitz from 10Gen and Adam Kocoloski from Cloudant on the virtues of MongoDB vs. CouchDB.
- We are working on getting some last minute Lightning Talks together, please email me ASAP if you'd like to participate. Plan for 5 minutes, with powerpoint slides to demonstrate, you'll need to get us your slides by this Thursday or Friday and be able to respond to requests for changes/fixes over the weekend. We plan on having all talks loaded on one computer before the event.
Venue space is limited, so if you plan to attend please RSVP. This will not only allow us to avoid having 10 times too many people show up, but to plan ahead should we get a larger than supported response.
Additionally, we expect to have coffee, tea, soda, water, cookies, fruit, candy and chips provided for refreshment.
We have placed the tentative schedule and more information at our website:
Desmond Tutu Center, Matthews Room
180 10th Ave (b/w 20 & 21st Streets)
New York, NY 10011
Please only call the venue if you get lost, they likely know nothing about our event (past the room booking) and will be unable to provide details.
Invitation Message Board
To add a comment, RSVP for the event!
Huge deadline, won't be able to escape working late, :(
Venue change! Due to overwhelming demand, 10gen has upgraded the venue to: Desmond Tutu Center, Matthews Room. 180 10th Ave (b/w 20 & 21st Streets)
Will be covering "Excel as Your Database"…781590597514
We are looking into getting a larger space as we're bumping up on our space limit...
Lightning talk idea: storage for MUD/MMORPG
Gary Warden King will be in town to present AllegroGraph
Stuart Sierra will present on Clojure/Hadoop.