Freedom Walk
Hosted By: Will County Tea Party Alliance / Jim Bilotta / Conservative Committeeman
Fellow Patriots,
We are proud to have stood with you over the past year. The rallies and the protests have been very encouraging. However, these alone will not make the difference we all desire. We have to "engage the system." We need to win in November. Much depends on this single election. It will ultimately determine what type of country we will become. What we do now will determine what happens then.
We have indentified some local candidates that believe in our beliefs.
U.S. Congress - Adam Kinzinger (11th district) State Senate - Cedra Crenshaw (43rd district) County Board (9th district) Bob Baldwin, Christine Merrimen, Peter Delaney
Our country needs your help. We need your help. These candidates need your help. Will you help?
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men donothing..." Edmunde Burke
Please help us walk precincts to let others know about candidates that are willing to defend our beliefs.
Joliet - Crest Hill areas (Will County)
(9:30am) How to walk precincts instruction(10:00am) Pick up walk lists (4:00 pm) Return to Prairie Bluff for free refreshments, cocktails, food, fellowship and networking with fellow patriots and candidates.
Please sign up. Invite a friend to sign up. Meet others of like mind. Make a difference.
Check: or for updates.
Prairie Bluff Golf Course
19433 Renwick Rd. Crest Hill, IL.
Invitation Message Board
To add a comment, RSVP for the event!
Nice Image Jesus! Being the worlds first Forensic Graphic Designer I hope you won't mind if I exercise my occupational hazard and offer a suggestion; If you do a horizontal flip (in PhotoShop, not on a gymnasium mat) on one of the flagstaff tips the shadows will match and it will be perfect. Now, it's off to Cairo where a speech therapist died suddenly after reading an ad for Dr.Scholls shoe inserts in a copy of Newsweek magazine. Authorities there suspect foul play in the form of a hidden scratch and sniff panel.
You can strangle me on Saturday if you like.
Thanks Bob, great idea! I'll try it!
I'll assume you mean the choking part. I'll take it like a man.
LOL! I'd never try to choke you,
The American & Gadsden Flag (Image Shown Above) - I've looked for this image and have not been able to find it so I had to create it myself. This is my image, however, all who thirst for less government, value our freedom and unite under the principles of our forefathers, are free to use this image in the cause of Liberty.
I'll be there, I'm an Angry American right now.
I would love to attend, but I have a wedding that day. I would like to post signs on my lawn or on my car. Where can signs or stickers be obtained?
Sorry, but I will be on the other side of the state.
we support all the tea party tenets, but our saturdays are booked. we're sorry to miss so many events, but we are strongly with you.
Sorry! Can't make it. Having leg problems. Hope the weather is great for you. Make a big difference, I'll be pulling for you. Ardine B.
I would love to attend, but I will still be at Boy's State
A list needs to be made of people who can have the sign attached to their vehicle.