Jules Cafe: Come Party, Win Prizes!

Hosted By:   Jules Bianchi Photography

Main invitation image

Photo by -L. Creative Commons License

Jules Bianchi Photography is thrilled to announce the grand opening of their new studio space in the adorable town of Montclair, Northern CA (near Oakland).  It's our Live Jules Cafe!  We would be honored if you would join us to celebrate.

Sponsored by the fabulous Simply Canvas, OnOne Software

and Pictage

Prizes you don't want to miss from:

Simply Canvas,

Kubota Image Tools,

Leather Craftsmen,

OnOne Software,




Pepper Camera Straps,


Fast Track Photographer

Camera Slingers

and more!

Date & Time:

Thursday, September 10 at 6:00 PM (PDT)


Jules Cafe Live

5772 Thornhill Drive (Montclair district)
Oakland, CA 94611

Invitation Message Board

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Campbell, Christine 09/10/09

Hi Jules, Thank you for the invite. Somewhat of a far drive for me wink, but congratulations on the new studio!

Melinda Bunker 09/10/09

Jules & Joy,

I was so looking forward to seeing your new studio and you both but I have a sick kid at home so I can't make it tonight. Have tons of fun and huge congrats to you both!

Melinda smile

Gina 09/08/09

Joy - Congrats to you and Jules on opening the studio. I will not be able to make the party. It is back to school night. Thanks for the invite.

McGivern, Tiffani 09/08/09

Now that we know you have a studio up here...we'll have to stop by and introduce our little girls to you. (It's been 5 years since we've seen you last!) I'm sure your new studio is amazing. Thank you for the invitation anyway. winkTiffani G.

Burke, Julie Kinser 09/05/09

Congratulation Jules! Thank you so much for the invite, I wish we were going to be up in the bay area, I would love to have come and celebrated with you.

Stallworth, Natalie 09/05/09

You have no idea how excited I was to get this - I was just thinking of you as I came across some of my wedding photos and was going to email you today - see you Thursday smile I hope to be a prize winner

Jana Vinogradov 09/04/09

Very exciting! Have a great night - sorry we can't stop by - have plans that night.

Dowburd-Luftman, Tara 09/04/09

How fabulous!! Congratulations on your new studio space Jules, I'm sure it's stunning!! Thanks so much for the invite. I wish that I could fly in for the night to see and celebrate with you, but I'm booked. I truly hope to see you soon in LA!!

Wishing you all the best and much success,Tara of Make-Up Therapy

Foley Von Ploennies, Mary 09/04/09

congrats & thanks for the invite! wish Scott & I could be there! excited you're setting up in northern ca!!!

Marta Danek 09/04/09

Congratulations Jules and Joy! We are sorry to miss it because of the Back to School night, that is very unfortunate. I was looking forward to seeing your studio... Have a great night!

Larrew Fusezi, Nancy 09/04/09

Jules, thanks for the invite. Will there be cherry pie? Andy and I are leaving for Europe so we will be unable to attend. I look forward to the event photos!!!

kevin 09/04/09

I wish I could be there! It sounds like so much fun grin I'll be there in spirit though, having my chocolate cake - and wishing I could eat it too. tongue wink

Davina Fear 09/03/09

Jules, Congratulations! How exciting for you! I'm sure your studio is just gorgeous and fun and vintage. I so wish I could be there. It'll be such a fantastic party! Wohoo!

Conzelman, Shana 09/03/09

Jules, thank you so much for the invite...sounds exciting! however, being I'm in the OC I will not be able to attend...maybe next time! Shana Conzelman


Jules & Joy - It's a bit of a drive from Thousand Oaks to Montclair, but thanks for thinking of me, Love Ya

Rudi Halbright 09/03/09

Jules and Joy -- congrats on the new studio! I have another commitment that evening but will try to stop by beforehand.

Hreschuk, David 09/03/09

Congrats Jules! I hope all is well. Don't think I'll be able to get up in that area. We still enjoy the work you did on Aidan's one year photos.

Leedjia Svec 09/03/09

very cool! thanks for the invite, I will be in San Antonio smile

Mike Wong 09/03/09

I'll be in the Bay Area that day (at Stanford University) but have an early evening flight out of SJC and don't think I'll be able to get from my meetings to the Café and back to my flight. But I hope you have a great time and wish you the best with the new space!

Sushinski, Mary 09/03/09

Congrats Jules,

If I didn't have a newborn I would love to come up to Oakland to visit. Sounds like a fabulous event and I'm thrilled for you.

Peter Paredero 09/03/09

Sadly this date falls on back to school night... Congratulations on your grand opening!Congratulations as well on doing such a great job promoting your business. I'm certain you would be in high demand for businesses wanting to find out how to use social media to get the word out! Great job.

Christine Kelly 09/03/09

Sorry we can't make it that night. Congrats on the new studio!

Asher-Sears, Alex 09/03/09

Can't make it up north for your big debut but hope there are a ton of pictures and video to show off the new place! Congratulations!

Tofurious | Lawrence Chan 09/03/09

Congratulations! I so want to go, but will be out of the state :( Yay for prizes!

Kellie Paredero 08/26/09

Hey Joy, congrats on your opening. Unfortunately, its Back to School Night for both kids, so we won't be able to make it. Good Luck and have fun!!

christine szeto 08/22/09

Congrats! How exciting! Love that the bianchi sisters are expanding their presence in the bay. Will definitely try to make it.

Miloslavich, Ann Marie, 08/22/09

Congratulations! Sadly I will be working. Looking forward to seeing your new space. xo

Carolei-Gornick, Linda 08/21/09

Hi Jules, Would love to see the studio next time we're in Oakland. Good luck!

pearcejen 08/21/09

I/we will be there to help celebrate...congratulations!

quinn cavalli 08/20/09

can't wait to see the new orange/red space of my dearest joy (and colin too)!

Reynolds, Tina 08/19/09

I can't make it cause it's too far for me to go on a work night! Montclair!!! Did you move? Are you moving up North? What's the scoop??? Whatever the case, I am extremely thrilled for you!! Congratulations. It's really awesome!

Boles, Marty and Gene, 08/19/09

Congratulations, Jules. Sorry we can't attend but we wish you the best. Hugs to you and Olive!

Trakulboon Carpio, Alisa 08/19/09

I thought it was Montclair down in S. Ca. =( Sorry, Jason and I won't be able to make it. Next time, have it in the other Montclair! =)

Christi Brown 08/19/09

Can't wait to see your space in my hometown Montclair!!!!

silvia 08/18/09

Would love to be there!

Michele Papineau 08/18/09

Congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood. I am so looking forward to having you, Joy and Colin as my new neighbors. Sorry I am going to be on the East coast . I am disappointed I am going to miss it.

Carrie Richards 08/18/09

Cant wait to meet you in person! This place sounds perfect for all us local Bay Area photographers, thanks Julessmile


Krantz, Cathryn 08/18/09

Congrats, so exciting~~~

Rees, Castine 08/18/09

Can't wait to come up and see the new space! I'll come bearing lots of good prizes!

Rebecca 08/18/09

Congratulations on your new studio. Cannot make your fab. opening but wish you great success and hope to work together in the near future!

Gage, Aimee 08/17/09


Gretchen Adams 08/17/09

I'm sure it's beautiful, I know you guys have been working hard on it! Buck and I will come on by that night and say hello!

Harris, Julie 08/17/09

Sounds fun, but I'll be in Los Angeles. Good luck with the Cafe!

Mia Taylor 08/17/09

I would love to drop by after I teach my class that night. Congratulations on the new place! See you soon!

Bell, Jennifer 08/17/09

Congrats to you, Jules. I will not be in California at that time or else I'd stop by. You need to open up a studio out here in Miami! smile

Sillett Buxton, Domenique 08/17/09

sorry i can't make it, i'm commuting from cupertino until the end of sep. have fun, i'd love to come by sometime!! smile

Lai, Sarah 08/17/09

congrats on your new space, jules!! smile I would be there, if it weren't in Oakland! rasberry

Judith Isserman 08/17/09

I am really excited to see the new studio. YEAH!

Krauss, Stephanie 08/17/09

thank you for thinking of me; but since I am in Los Angeles and in school at night it will be tough to get to Oakland

Fernandez, Gustavo 08/17/09

So bummed, will be traveling to KS to shoot a wedding! Have fun!

Jim Collins 08/17/09

Jules, This would be fun. We'll try to make it up!

Eventswow 08/17/09

I'd love to attend but I'm working on the set up for an event that night...I'll drop by and meet you soon.

Carol Leslie

Rosen, Carol 08/17/09

sorry to miss your opening! I will be in Oakland the previous week; but back in LA on Sept. 6th ... sorry the dates didn't overlap... congrats on the studio; wishing you all the best in your endeavors! Carol, Party Designs by Carol

Heather Covault/KOLO 08/17/09

The rest of the Kolo folks and I will be on the East Coast so we can't attend, but we'll be there with you in spirit! Congratulations from your friends at Kolo!

Wells Hubbert, Heather 08/17/09

Congrats Jules! This is so exciting!

Carideo, Julie 08/17/09

How wonderful for you - congrats!!! I'm working in Ann Arbor thru the end of September, but I wish you all the best and I hope to see you one day soon!

Carroll, John 08/17/09

Jules - Congratulations on the new studio, we would love nothing more then to be there but we saddly can not. I know you will have a great showing and time. All our best and can't wait to see more amazing photo's. John, Steph, Brandon & Bear

Douglass, Dina 08/17/09

I'm so sorry I can't come. I'm so excited for your new space. smile Can't wait to see pics. Thanks for thinking of me. smile Dina

Failla - Kemmerer, Claudia 08/17/09

If I weren't in CT, I would absolutely be there!! Have a great time!

Herman, Teness 08/17/09

did you move????

Joy 09/02/09

we didn't move... I've always worked in the Bay Area. We're just opening a space there now!

Ivener, Scott 08/17/09

Congrats on the new studio. Unfortunately, it's not such a convenient place for me to visit.


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