Hosted at Home at Ellin Todd's- May 16th

Hosted By:   Highland City Club

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Revisit the tastes and prices of days gone by....Sign-up for Hosted at Home at Ellin Todd's.

Menu: Potato Chips Sliced Vegetables with Spring Onion Dip, Cheese Log with Crackers, Shrimp Cocktail
Baked Chicken
Macaroni and Cheese
Green Beans with Almonds
Spring Salad
Rolls with Herbed Butter
Strawberry - Rhubarb Pie
Homemade Lemonade, Coca Cola
Beer, White Wine

Members such-a-deal price of $28.95 Non-Members $33.95


3025 Lee Hill Drive, Boulder, CO 80302  ph 303 447 3180

From Broadway go north to Lee Hill Drive.

Turn left toward the mountains. Travel about 1.2 miles - signs point to Boulder Heights and Lee Hill.

Take a sharp left turn to travel steeply up for 1.8 miles ascending through trees. You will begin to descend into meadows on both sides of the road. The house is on the left, 3 stories tall with brown decks and roof. There is a black asphalt driveway leading up to the garage. Wooden stairs lead up to the home.

Date & Time:

Saturday, May 16 at 6:30 PM


Ellin Todd's Home

3025 Lee Hill Drive
Boulder ph 303 447-3180

Invitation Message Board

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Shelkappel 05/13/09

dear Ellin,

I MAY be able to make it , if I'm not called to work. I'd love to see you!



David Coombs 05/12/09

Sorry I can't be there, Ellin, -- will be celebrating my daughter's graduation from Beloit College, but have a fine time!

All the best,

David Coombs

Tom Hast 05/12/09

Sorry I can't make it. Silvia already said why.


Bstewart 05/12/09

I will be in Chicago at the NRA show. No, not rifles.

Bullit Bill

Silvia Hast 05/12/09

sorry dear Ellin, our daughter graduates PhD Berkeley, we'll all be there. Have a great party! Silvia Hast


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