Lineage & Lineage II PAX Prime Meet & Greet

Hosted By:   Lineage & Lineage II staff

Main invitation image

Come meet the staff and other players! Lineage and Lineage II are gathering their fans together for a fun and casual Meet & Greet during PAX Prime weekend. We'll be hanging out, eating, socializing, and handing out swag items to all fans that stop by. Bring your friends and make new ones!

4:30PM - 6:30PM, Saturday, September 04, 2010.

Socialize ahead of time through the Lineage and Lineage II forums.

Follow us on Twitter for updates about this event:

Lineage Twitter | Lineage II Twitter

Date & Time:

Saturday, September 4 at 4:30 PM (PDT)


First Location: Tap House Grill

1506 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA

It's likely that we will move around to different locations according to fan numbers. Follow us on Twitter for out latest location!

Invitation Message Board

To add a comment, RSVP for the event!

Sace {Lineage II Community Manager} 09/03/10

The Meet & Greet is tomorrow! See you all at 4:30 at the Tap House Grill! We'll have bags of swag, free Game Time Cards, a raffle for a Lineage II Light Elf doll, and of course conversation, smiles and cameras! Get ready to have fun! smile

And don't forget to follow your Twitter in case our location changes (if too many people show up): @NCWest_Lineage2

Sace {Lineage II Community Manager} 08/30/10

The Meet & Greet is in less than 1 week! cheese I'm so excited!

Greg Evans 08/23/10

Lineage I - Depardieu - Zagurim. I RSVP'ed yes, I am pretty sure that I will be there barring any major complications smile

Pol Pap 08/18/10

I am so sad that i cant attend....

Please make one in EUROPE (Greece please, will be the perfect place for vacation-break and a nice meeting!)

Doug & Shelly Brown 08/18/10

I appologize for my hasty reaction. I could not find a way to confirm. Since I wont need tickets to the expo, we'll be able to attend.

Thank you

Sace {Lineage II Community Manager} 08/18/10

That's wonderful news, Doug & Shelly! I'm sorry I didn't explain earlier that you do not need a ticket to the PAX expo to be able to attend this Meet & Greet. smile

Doug & Shelly Brown 08/17/10

What a shame, this sounded very fun, I was excited. Now I'm just P.O.ed

Doug & Shelly Brown 08/17/10

I may have to cancel. Due to the late nature of the invite, it is too late to buy the hotel rm and badges to get into the expo. This is the second time this has happened. If you want people to be interested, have a longer lead time on this stuff. People (other game friends) would have come from out of state for this if not for such a late notice.

nikos xantzhanastasiou 08/14/10

pollh pollh wreo

Wesley Biggs 08/13/10

Devianne Rules!!!! GO Sunlight!!!! Kildor Rules

Enrique Martinez 08/13/10

Lineage 2 Sieghardt/Bartz - Catalyst / Lianli /Thruggok - 4 years. Aion current - Lian/Zikel

Craig Parse 08/12/10

Bartz Forever!

Sace {Lineage II Community Manager} 08/12/10

If you are RSVPing with more guests than a +1, please contact me about it.

Doug & Shelly Brown 08/14/10

Lineage2 Sayha:

+2, would be my husband and I both. If we can, looking into it. Sounds like we can though.

Sace {Lineage II Community Manager} 08/12/10

Welcome, everyone! Please leave a comment and say what game / server you are coming from! smile

Dean Dang 08/11/10

First! Phoenix Server!


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